100 Bottles of Beer on the Wall

It's funny how intimidating an empty marathon training plan can look.  One hundred days away from the upcoming Boston Marathon, I committed to chronicling each day in pictures leading up to the race.  I literally build a giant square comprised of a 10 x 10 matrix which is roughly 100 squares (math joke.)  I tweeted last night the question, "is it really a hashtag if you're the only one using the hashtag, and how much wood does a woodchuck chuck?" #100daystoBoston

I have posted daily to my Instagram, twitter and Facebook feeds.  Yet another way to hold myself accountable to each day's and each week's training plan.  The squares filled slowly at first, but Wednesday marks 60 days from Boston.  Courtesy of Flipagram, the above video shows how things looked over the first forty days which included trips to; Boston, California, New York City, Mexico City, and a half marathon tune-up.

For some reason, I've got the song "100 bottles of beer on the wall" song stuck in my head.  The starting chart and forty days in are shown below.  Will be getting excited when I hit the sixty to seventy day mark.  For now, "it's the eye on the prize."  Enjoy the journey...


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