#30DaysToBoston #Lovedones

Most marathoners know that with the demanding rigours of training there's a lot of sacrifice when it comes to the family.  It means a lot of (earlier than normal) early morning runs to accomodate getting kids to school or catching the parent teacher conference or recital.  If your significant other happens to be a non-runner like my wife, it puts a lot on them to take care of Saturday morning activities when you're off for your weekly long run.  If it takes a village to raise a child, it can also take a village to support a marathon runner and their crazy demanding sport.  Today's #30DaysToBoston #Photochallenge word is #LovedOnes.

My #Photochallenge photo today shows my family at my daughter's 18th birthday party.  My daughter is shown with my wife in the lower right corner at my first ever marathon at the Rock and Rock San Diego Marathon in 2007.  Both are two of my biggest fans.  The upper right corner is one of my favorite race pictures at the 2012 Denver Triathlon.  My first 1st place age group podium made it special but I love the photo because you can see two of my boys and my stepmother at the end of the race.  This may be my only photo that happened to catch #lovedones in the finish line shot.  #priceless.


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